Tallest peoples of world
Robert Pershing Wadlow
Robert Pershing Wadlow is the tallest man ever in the history of world his height reached 8 ft 11.1 inches and weight 222kg, He was born in Alton, Illinois, US on February 22, 1918.
The Side picture is a comparising of his father with him his great height and size is abnormality of his body because they faced hypertrophy of his pituitary gland due to which abnormal growth of human hormone and he was keep going at the time of his death, he was died on July 15, 1940 at age of just 22.
Turk Sultan KosenSultan Kosen is a man who is currently the tallest living man by Guiness Book of World records.His height is 8ft 1 in (2.47), Sultan born on 10 December 1982 Mardin, Turkey. Sultan height is due to Tumor behind his eyes, the tumor put pressure on pituitary gland which causes abnormal height. His Tumor was removed in 2008 and now he enjoyed his life like a normal human beings but he was unable to continue his study because of height and work as a farmer part time.
Bao XishunBao Xishun was the tallest man of the world before Turk Sultan Kosen claim to be the tallest man by Guiness Book of Records. His height is 8ft 5 in (2.57m) which is not independly verified, likely 7ft 6 in, Bao born in 1951 inner Mongolia, China
He suffers from rheumatism, His height is normal at the age of 15 but after that faced unknown growth of height. He married Xia Shujuan proffessionaly saleswoman which you see in picture his marriage ceremony sponsored by 15 companies.
Leonid StadnykLeonid Stadnyk is belong to Ukraine he is also listed tallest man in the world by Guiness book, he is formely record holder of the tallest living man in 2007 but later his title returned to Bao Xishun in 2008. His Height is 7 ft 6 in (2.57m) but some kind of drama began when he was refused to be measured under new guide lines by Guiness Book and the title goes to Bao Xishun. He born on 1971 Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR). He had also pituitary gland Tumor which casued abnormal height when he was only 12 years old, But his Tumor is mysteriously disappeared and now he is healthy
Yao DefenYao defen currently the tallest woman in the world recognised by Guiness Book of world records, He born on 15 july 1972 Shucheng, Liuan, Anhui, China. She belongs to poor farmer family at the time of birth she is 6.15 pounds and in her chidhood at the age of 3 to 4 she was eating food in very large amount as compared to normal 3 year child, She was 6 ft 9 inches at the age of 15 when comes to doctor for checkup, the doctor had discovered Tumor pituitary gland she has been forced to earn money with her father by performing but Yao was to weak.Her tumor has been treated in Shanghai but she is not fit yet and she also faced some major diseases like heart diseases, Poor nutrition.