The world's smallest horse

The world's smallest horse

The diminutive horse born in Barnstead, New Hampshire, at Tiz Miniature Horse Farm.His name is Einstein and has the world record of the world's smallest foal. His weight is less then a newborn baby and just 14 inches high and weighs only an incredible 6lbs.

Do you know who has the Longest Nose in The World

Longest Nose in The World

MEHMET OZYUREK has the longest nose in the world which is confirmed by Guiness World Record. His nose measured 3.5 inches (8.8 cm). He belongs to Turkey Artvin.
World Record of most number of people singing national anthem simultaneously

On 20th October 2012, Pakistan sets World Record of most number of people singing national anthem simultaneously, during the Punjab Youth Festival. According to the media 44,200 Pakistanis sang the national anthem together at the National Hockey Stadium lahore. Guinness World Record (GWR) officials present at the stadium, presented a certificate confirming that 44,200 people had successfully managed to set a new world record.The previous record was set by India when 15, 243 people sang the national anthem simultaneously earlier this year.

World Largest Human National Flag Record

World Largest Human National Flag Record

Pakistan Makes Guinness World Record in Lahore on Monday, October 22, 2012 in Punjab Youth Festival where 24,200 Pakistani youths created a World Largest Human National Flag and set a Guinness World Record of forming largest human flag